Walmart Associate Call In Number

Walmart Call In Number.

How to reach the Walmart Associate Hotline Number, to call in sick or report an absence.

Walmart associates and employees have a variety of phone numbers to chose from, if they have a problem or if they want to call in sick or report an anasence or tardy.

Walmart Associate Hotline.

The Walmart Call In Sick Number is: 1-800-775-5944 (Official Walmart Call In Number).
Alternative, the Walmart Call Out number is 1-800-492-5678, for reporting an absence or tardy in the automated system.

This Hot-Line is used by associates to report:

  • an absence
  • a tardy

When phoning the call-in number, you will need to enter the last four digits of your social security number. Then, enter the month, day, and year of your birthday, as well as your store number.

A confirmation number will be issued, and you will be transferred to your store, and then your manager. You can also log in to the portal and report your tardy or absence from online.

How to Call in Sick/Report and Absence on Onewire Walmart.

Witht the new Onewire Walmart portal replacing Walmart Wire and WalmartOne, you can now report an absence/call in sick online through your home computer or mobile phone.

This is how you do it:

First, you will need to have signed up for 2-Factor-Authorization on a Walmart work location computer.

Then, go to

Click on the Spark logo and log in.

Click on “Report an Absence”.

wallmart call in sick number onewire
After logging in to Onewire, click on “Report an Absence”.

Note: You have a period of 14 days after you missed a work day to put in a request for PPTO (Paid Personal Time Off). Putting in a request for PPTO won’t count against your attendance.

The Walmart Ethics Hotline.

Walmart Ethics Phone Number is: 1-800-WM-ETHIC.

The Walmart Ethics phone number is used by associates and customers, who wish to report a ethical issue or problem anonymously. You can also fill out a report at or send an email to

Walmart Customer Service Phone Number.

The Walmart Customer Service number is: 1-800-WALMART or 1-800-925-6278.

This number is the primary customer support and associates help line. Press 3 to get through to the hot line for current and former Walmart employees.

WalmartOne Phone Number.

If you are having problems with signing in to the WalmartOne Associate Website, you can call the WalmartOne support department on: 1-800-530-9929 and press 2,2.

Walmart Associate Discounts.

If you are shopping at and want to apply your employee discount, you can do so here.

Enter your Associate ID and Associate Card number to proceed.

Walmart Attendance Policy.

As a New Employee, you can have up to 4 occurrences/’tardies’ (3 is the maximum), before you can be terminated/fired in a rolling six month period. But this is only if you finish your Pathways within those first six months.

If you do not complete your Pathways in the first six months, then your allowance of occurrences will stay at up to 4 until you finish your Pathways.

Whn you have finished your Pathways and stayed at Walmart for 6 months, you can have up to 9 occurrences in a rolling six month period.

A ‘rolling six month period’ means simply that when you get an occurrence, then that 1 occurrence will drop off six months later.

Share your experiences.

Please share your experiences, or questions about, the Walmart Associate Call in sick number/Walmart Call Out number, in the comment section.

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18 thoughts on “Walmart Associate Call In Number

    1. I just used the to report a sick day. Click the WORK tab below your profile information, select third block (top right) “Report an Absence”, the system then auto fills your WIN #, name, and store. You then select from 3 drop down options, tardy/absent, today/tomorrow, and then the reason. No calls, no waiting on hold, it gives you a conformation number and informs your stores management for you. Pretty easy, though a little tricky to find.

  1. Its been about 2 weeks that I’ve missed work I’m pretty sure I’ve exceeded the number of points I can have. My only excuse is life so much has happened I’ve been in the hospital and so much more since I been out I’ve been dreading going back thinking I want get a second chance. I need this job I really do, I almost gave up because I knew I wouldn’t have anything

  2. need a copy of my w2. W2express not allowing me access. I requested at last club worked but I am not in their system. I just returned from overseas.

  3. I have called in and got a confirmation number..but my store manager said they don’t see it in there system?? What do I do???

  4. I’ve called for absence and it’s gave me a number. Problem is no one answered at my workplace, what should i do?! there’s no Walmartone app anymore.

  5. I want be able to make it tp work at Walmart today because my ride is an the hospital. I try to call but no answer. u can reach me me at 682-400-xxxx anglique Young

  6. Hello good morning I’m trying to call at work no one answered it,I’m trying to call that I’m gonna be there late today because my boyfriend work he gonna get off 7:30am and we have nobody stay with my kids n I’ll be there at 8am

  7. My name isJasmine Blake I’m sick and trying to call in my store is 1245 the 800 is not working I’m supposed to work 6 to 3 today

  8. My name is Gale Stricklin trying to call store 3258 no one is answering I am scheduled to work August 28 2019 . 9-3 I won’t be in because I have court for the adoption process of my grandson

  9. My name is Maxamed Rabii Issa Cabdule I’m trying to call my store 1146 no one is answering. I’m scheduled to work October 27, 2019 from 3:00PM to 11:00pm I won’t be able to come today I’m sick.

  10. I’ve been trying to get a hold of somebody in headquarters since yesterday number nowhere to be found bottom line a manager and a live chat I have a whole life chat conversation she messed up OK and it’s not my fault and I’m not gonna pay for her mess OK because I’m the customer so I demand to speak to somebody in headquarters I sent like 50 emails to all the executives and the CEO of Walmart headquarters no reply as of yet yet

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